Episode 010 – A Barbershop Owner Nightmare: They have a new business partner… their previous partner’s Widow!

Powered by RedCircle So two Barbers open a Barbershop…. One of them passes away and now their Widow is their new business partner! About this episode… We don’t like talking about these things, yet when they happen, it can throw a wrench into the operations of the most efficient of companies. Howard Silvermintz with Tier…

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Episode 008 – How to avoid the loopholes in Insurance contracts like a ninja

Powered by RedCircle The fine print is where companies protect themselves… it’s usually where you will find what they do and don’t have to do for you, and even more importantly, where the nasty surprises lay. About this episode… Many companies take advantage of the fact that we like things simple and quick – don’t…

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Episode 007 – What IS Insurance, Anyway? – The quick and simple description of what Insurance is by Howard Silvermintz of Tier 1 Capital

Powered by RedCircle If you have ever seen the “I’m gonna get a check” videos from Tik Tok and Instagram, you already know that a lot of people don’t know what insurance is or what it does. About this episode… Howard Silvermintz with Tier 1 Capital of Georgia gives a very simple explanation of what…

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Episode 006 – Injured Barber… or worse…. Now what? Protect your money and finances before it happens – Interview with Howard Silvermintz with Tier 1 Capital of Georgia

Powered by RedCircle As a Barber, I’m one good injury or accident from being out of work for a long time. How do we make sure we don’t go broke when this happens? About this episode… Howard Silvermintz with Tier 1 Capital of Georgia breaks down what we Barbers can do to keep the money…

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Episode 004 – Choosing an Independent Agent may be as important as choosing your Clippers

Powered by RedCircle Five minute spotlight: We are required to buy auto insurance – if we are going to spend the money, anyway, get the advice of someone who does it day-to-day About this episode… If we have to buy insurance, anyway, getting advice from someone who works with it every day helps make sure…

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